Entering the liturgical space:

 Entering the liturgical space without guide, or for liturgical purposes is free of charge.         

Available tickets




4.200 HUF


2.800 HUF


1.900 HUF


700 HUF



Combined discounted*

2.000 HUF

Dome-lookout discounted*

1.500 HUF

Treasury discounted*

900 HUF



Combined family ticket**

9.500 HUF

Treasury family ticket**

4.500 HUF  

*Discounted ticket:
The discounted ticket can be used by all Hungarian and EEA citizens (between 6 and 26 years old) with a student ID card or Hungarian and EEA citizens entitled to pensions. The discount can only be claimed upon presentation of a document entitling the discount.

**Family ticket:
The family ticket is available for a minimum of 1, a maximum of 2 adults and a minimum of 1 child (under 18 years of age).
More information for families can be reached here. 


More information

Our visitors have the opportunity to choose from the following guided tours, which can be requested by prior written registration at info@bazilika-esztergom.hu e-mail address.
Order: preferably one week before the scheduled date.

Free cancellation of the ordered guided tour is available latest 72 hours prior to the date of the tour. If You fail to do so, the guided tour fee will be invoiced.

More information about guided tours at phone number +36 33 402-354/ extension 11.


I. 1 hour guided tour (general informations)
II. Everything about the Cathedral (ca. 1,5 up to 2 hours)


I. General informations:
Guided tours in the liturgical space of the church and the Treasury, or in the liturgical space of the church and the Crypt.

Recommended for: groups, who visit the Cathedral for the first time
Booking: prior via Email (info@bazilika-esztergom.hu)
Maximum size of the group: 50 person
  - in English language: 25.000,-HUF/ group + tickets + tour-guide system


II. Everything about the Cathedral
Guided tours in the crypt, the liturgical space and the treasury.
Recommended: for every guests
Booking: prior via Email (info@bazilika-esztergom.hu)
Maximum size of the group: 50 person
  - in English language: 32.000,-HUF/ group + tickets + tour-guide system


Tour-guide system charges (with minimum 10 Person using this device is obligatory)


up to 50 pieces

51-99 pieces

over 100 pieces


550- HUF/piece

500- HUF/piece

450- HUF/piece

(at the guide)

1 free of charge

free of charge

3 free of charge


EEA citizen is entitled to free access to the Treasury if:
a) under the age of 6,
b) a disabled person within the meaning of Section 4 (a) of Act XXVI of 1998 on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Ensuring Their Equal Opportunities, or accompanies a disabled person (maximum 1 person)
c) has a professional pass issued by the Minister,
d) member of a national public collection professional organization with at least 400 members,
e) is a teacher,
f) over the age of 70.
EEA citizens can visit the Treasury free of charge on the last Sunday of each month:
a) under the age of 26,
b) accompanies a person under the age of 18 and is a close relative (up to 2 people).
National holidays (March 15, August 20, October 23)


The liturgical space of the Cathedral will be closed to tourism 30 minutes before the start of the Holy Masses. During the Holy Masses, the church is not open to tourists!

The Treasury and the Crypt can be visited undisturbed during the Holy Mass. The crypt can be visited through the side entrance, while the treasury can be visited from the Danube side - through the King's Gate.

During liturgical events not scheduled for the annual Mass, tourism is similarly restricted. We ask for the understanding of our visitors for hindrance!